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There are lots of things I like and lots of things I dislike about the Church. Many of them have been named here.

But, in the end... the *reason* I remained Catholic is the same reason I remained a heliocentrist, the same reason I believe in evolution, the same reason I (after a period of crisis) reaffirmed the conclusions of Marbury v. Madison, the same reason I overcome my fear of the dentist when my dentist tells me I need to get my teeth cleaned: because, whether I like it or not (mostly not, much of the time!), the dang thing is *true*. Mr. Blanchard is characteristically on point here.

But it's kind of weird, when you think about it. Nobody ever asks, "Why did you remain a Darwinist?" and, if they did, nobody would answer, "Well, I find the idea of steady evolution over time very beautiful" (even though it is). Certainly nobody asks, "Why did you go to the dentist if you hate it?" and it would never occur to anyone to reply that they like the flavors of tooth polish.

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