Can’t agree more with this follow up. What ticked me off from the Anonymous WOF comment on the original piece comments was where they blame “spiritual warfare”. I am so tired of Catholics playing the victim and acting like we are persecuted. All any one wants is accountability. I agree that WOF and Bishop Baron didn’t do anything immoral or illegal but he could have said sorry to the victim(s) on behalf of WOF. It’s not that hard.

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Bp Barron's fault was his obvious sympathy for the male, muscle-bound perpetrator, compared to his obvious annoyance at the female victim.

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Thank you for the follow up.

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I always thought that musclemen were gay or ex-cons excepting Swartzenegger. Yet that doesn't have anything to do w their adherence to the faith. I don't like tattoos either. It is not we who are judge, jury and executioner. I smell a sense of the whiny white mentality here. Yes, women lie about sexual encounters which I can say as an attorney w 30 years experience in the field. Did Barron jump the gun firing Floor? It sounds as though he may have. Did he commit a gross negligence if he disclosed the woman's name to his staff? I would think that since Gloor and the woman had an ongoing relationship if I understand correctly that the staff likely knew who she was before Barron named her. Probably Barron panicked and wanted to cut losses when he summarily fired Gloor. It was the bishops' sins of omission in the sexual scandals that were egregious. These sex charges can take on a life of their own drama. I pray all parties think and act w a level head and that realize that a guy or girl can't be too careful. Barron may not be everyone's cup of tea but just because Gloor was a muscle man doesn't mean he and Barron were an item. Barron may have wanted to show all kinds can be faithful Catholics. We must not assume facts not in evidence.

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"...whiny white mentality..."

Well, you've revealed your character in 3 words. Well done!

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