re Focus on the Family. Here in NH Cornerstone Policy Research which is under the umbrella of FOF and currently lead by a Catholic promotes these resources (all cause harm to the LGBTQ community):
What I think we should note about Christian-persecution rhetoric, is not merely that it’s often exaggerated, laughable, untrue and ignorant of real persecution, but also that it is dangerous. On a low level it can lead to tensions and fears which leads to unkindness, and hurt, but on a severer level, it leads to real hatred and violence, a persecution-complex often precedes violence justified as “self-defence”. And it is behind socially corrosive and harmful stuff like prejudice, discrimination and culture-warring.
re Focus on the Family. Here in NH Cornerstone Policy Research which is under the umbrella of FOF and currently lead by a Catholic promotes these resources (all cause harm to the LGBTQ community):
What I think we should note about Christian-persecution rhetoric, is not merely that it’s often exaggerated, laughable, untrue and ignorant of real persecution, but also that it is dangerous. On a low level it can lead to tensions and fears which leads to unkindness, and hurt, but on a severer level, it leads to real hatred and violence, a persecution-complex often precedes violence justified as “self-defence”. And it is behind socially corrosive and harmful stuff like prejudice, discrimination and culture-warring.