These should not be considered as settled definitions, but as starting points for my use of these terms. These terms are in an ongoing state of development. Recent writings are more likely to be consonant with this glossary than older writings.
Blasphemy: Speaking of God, the Church, the Saints, or the sacred with reproach, or using the same to promote evil. See more here.
Conversion therapy: Attempts to change a person's sexual orientation or gender identity, or to develop heterosexual attractions, led by a religious leader, by a therapist/counselor, or in a support group, regardless of whether or not such changes are guaranteed by the individual or organization facilitating these attempts. This could include talk therapy, shock therapy, or other efforts. It is usually rooted in the ex-gay narrative. More broadly, these attempts have often been referred to as “Sexual Orientation Change Efforts” (SOCE)
Eros: The experience of being drawn out of oneself by beauty. Sexual desire is just one form of erotic desire. For more, see my essay on homoerotic desire.
Ex-gay narrative: The view, developed by Elizabeth Moberly, Joseph Nicolosi, and others, that homosexuality arises as a result of a childhood trauma or deficiency, usually a failure of attachment to the same-sex parent. Conversion therapies arise out of this, seeking to resolve that trauma or deficiency, and develop one’s ‘heterosexual potential.’ More here.
Gaslighting: Trying to control or manipulating someone by twisting their sense of reality, often by trying to convince someone that they are mentally, spiritually, or emotionally unwell or overly sensitive. Gaslighting responds to a problem by deflecting in a way to get the person bringing the problem forward to question their own reality, memory, or perceptions. More here.
Homoerotic desire: Erotic desire arising from the beauty of experiencing a same-sex other. Homosexual desire is just one version of homoerotic desire. For more, see my essay on homoerotic desire.
Homophobia: Dislike of or unjust prejudice against persons attracted to the same sex, and actions involving such dislike or prejudice.
Parental theory of homosexuality: See ‘ex-gay narrative.’
Queer: An umbrella term for sexual and gender minorities who are not heterosexual or are not cisgender.
Queerphobia: Dislike of or unjust prejudice against queer people, and actions involving such dislike or prejudice.
Racism: Harm, marginalization, or disparate negative impact to a person or group, at least in part, on account of their race. Intent is not relevant for determining whether something is racist.
Reparative therapy: See “conversion therapy.”
Sexuality: At times, I use the term to mean “sexual orientation.” At other times, it is used to refer to interpersonal sexual-romantic erotic desire. For a discussion of this term as unsettled in Catholic discourse, see here.
Side a Christians: In “the gay debate,” Christians who affirm that God blesses same-sex marriage and sexual activity.
Side b Christians: In “the gay debate,” Christians who affirm a “traditional sexual ethic,” meaning primarily that God reserves marriage as a relationship between a man and a woman, and calls those outside of marriage to abstain from sexual activity.
SOCE: See “conversion therapy.”